Consultation finishes

The BGI has completed the final working group meeting of this phase of the consultation. Following advice from Ukie and TIGA, the BGI team has conducted a wide-ranging consultation with stakeholders across the industry to assess whether the plans were fit for purpose. These consultations have triggered substantial changes to the BGI’s programmes as first proposed. The consultation has comprised:

Continue conference: Round table discussion introducing BGI to arts organisations at the National Videogame Foundation’s arts meets games conference.

Develop conference: Q&A with Rick Gibson, Ian Livingstone, Richard Wilson and Jo Twist attended by 75-100 developers. Read MCV’s take here

Online consultation: A public consultation ran online, with a small number of responses. Read people’s comments here

British Council consultation roundtable: A round table with Rick Gibson describing and taking questions in detail about current plans and discussing issues with 20 games, arts, education and investment stakeholders.

Skills working group: A group of education, university, games employers and trade bodies debated and amended the skills programme.

Finance working group: A group of investors, angels, mentors, games funds and trade bodies debated and amended the Finance programme.

Culture working group: A group of arts organisations and cultural games developers debated and substantially changed the culture programme.

Strategy working group: A group of trade bodies, studios and angels discussed how to deliver the BGI proposal.

Bilateral meetings: Rick Gibson and Ian Livingstone have met an additional 75 organisations to get feedback on the proposal.

We want to thank over 110 different organisations for collaborating with BGI and helping us get the proposal into shape for submission.

Working groups are meeting


The BGI team is hard at work organising and running working groups in 4 areas (finance, culture, skills and strategy) with nearly 30 different organisations, following on from a round table organised by British Council and Ukie. We would like to thank British Council, Ukie and Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe for hosting these events, as well as the attendees for adding their detailed feedback on the proposals.